Cardiff / Caerdydd

Venue: Baltic House, Mount Stuart Square, Cardiff CF10 5FH

Capacity: 50

Date and Time: 9 June 2016, 2pm-5pm

Contact: 0800 2888329

Details: Free event on the EU Referendum
WCVA and Electoral Reform Society Cymru would like to invite you to an event on the EU Referendum which will give you the opportunity to look at and debate the real issues: from health and education to the economy and immigration.

To book your place at the event please follow this link: or contact WCVA help desk on 0800 2888 329

Mae WCVA ac ERS Cymru yn eich gwahodd i ddigwyddiad ar Refferendwm yr UE a fydd yn rhoi cyfle i chi ystyried a thrafod y materion go iawn: o iechyd ac addysg i’r economi a mewnfudo.

I gadw’ch lle yn y digwyddiad dilynwch y ddolen hon: neu cysylltwch â desg gymorth WCVA ar 0800 2888 329.