Thank you
This toolkit was produced with the assistance of a grant from the Joseph Rowntree Reform Trust Limited.
The following supporters of the Electoral Reform Society also donated to support the project. We would like to thank each and every one of them for their kind support.
Bruce Abbott, Peter Robert Adamczyk-Haswell, Kay Aldridge, John Allen, Derrick Arnott, Asdsad Asdasd, Sydney Ashurst, Giovanni Asproni, Jane Aston, Charles Auld, Bill Ball, Margaret Barton, Mathew Basford, Tim Baynes, Richard Bell, Stefano Belli, Andrew Bennett, Amy Berkhout, Chris Biscomb, Claire Bishop, David Blofeld, Deborah Bore, John Bower, Jane Brading, Ian Bridge, John Brooman, Timothy Brown, Alice Brunton, Geof Butterwick, Clare Calascione, Alan Carter, Martin Caxton, Lucy Chandler, Michael Chaplin, David Christensen, Vicki Clack, Peter Clark, M W Clark, Frank Clements, Jonathan Clennell, Tatiana Clifford, Jocelyn Clifford-Frith, Reg Coles-Watson, Barry Collins, Ronald Parick Collins, Saverio Coppolino, Peter Cornelius, Shaun Coster, Jane Cotton, David Croome, Lisa Cross, Barbara Crow, Justina Cruickshank, Janet Cummins, Luke Davidson, Jon Davies, John Davies, Alan Davis, John Davison, Andrew Daws, Vivien Diehl, Benjamin Dolby, Stephen Dominy, Malcolm Downie, Colin Dowse, Roy Draper, Sue Dumpleton, Barbara Dye, Jeffrey Eade, Richard Eason, Richard Eckles, Andy Eggleden, Anne Eggleton, Michael Elstob, Wendy Faulkner, Henry Fell, Berkeley Ferro, Peter Fitch, Wilf Forrow, Rosalind Fox, Neil Frater, Jon Freyne, Peter Fuller, Paul Furley, Sandra Gibson, Philip Giles, Tom Gillhespy, Edward Glynn, Ronald Goldberg, Nicky Goodyer, Dan Gordon, Christopher Gordon, Ruth Gould, Susan Grafton, John Gregory, Dr John Gwyther, Rita Habron, Kathryn Hall, Robert Antony Hamilton, John Hams, Brian Hanks, Sybil Hannavy, Allan Hayes, David Hayes, John Headon, Alan Hedges, Robert Henderson, Paul Hexter, C A Hiley, Tim Hogg, Lee Horwich, Ian Hudson, Peter Hulse, Maurice Husbands, Beryl Hussey, Jane Hutchings, Anne Jackson, Iris Jefferies, Tonie Jenner, Lou Joannides, Robert Jones, Christopher Jones, Susan Kay, Graham Kennedy, Martin Kilbey, Michael Kingsnorth, Robin Kinross, Valery Kitson, John Lane, John Large, John Launder, Kirstie Lawson, Chris Lee, Michalis Lianos, Sarah Little, Ron Lofkin, April Lopez, David Luckraft, Carlo Luisi, Paul Lynch, Holly Lyne, Malcolm Macintyre-Read, Ian Magrath, Richard Malham, Julia Marr, Alan Marsden, John Marshall, Antony Masters, Robert Mcclenning, Chloe Mccracken, Jpeter Mee, Albert Meehan, Linda Mesney, Tim Miles, Andrew Mock, David Moon, Rebecca Moring, Claudia Morland, Malcolm Morrison, Peter Moss, Kathryn Moss, Trevor Mumby, Jane Murton, Chris Myers, John Myers, Jurek Narozanski, John Nash, Geoffrey Naylor, Godfrey Newman, Anne Newman, John Newton, Kris Noble, Daniel Northfield, David Ockenden, Paul Oliver-Smith, Alexander P, Andrew Palmer, Roy Palmer, Frank Parker, Nick Parsons, Veronica Pasteur, John Patrick, Robert Peacock, David Pearson, Rosie Pearson, Hywel Phillips, Arthur Phillipson, Leslie Platt, Jose Ponte, Geoffrey Potter, Aaron Quinn, Alice Ralph, Michael Rand, Jennie Rayner, Phil Reakes, Joanne Redhorse, Roberta Reilly, Julia Reinholdsson, Christopher Remer, Irene Ridgeon, Norman Ridley, Martin Robards, Nick Roberts, Paul Roberts, Mark Roberts, Anthony Roberts, Susanna Robinson, Richard Robinson, Michael Rolph, Ann Round, Caroline Salem, Sibyl Sandle, Phillida Sawbridge, Paul Scott, David Scott, Simon Scott, Martin Sears, Jill Segger, Michael Shackleton, Angela Shepherd, Diane Sider, Thiago Silva, Freda Simmonds, Graeme Smith, Juliet Solomon, Nigel Soper, Graham Sowter, Auriol Stephenson, Hannah Stewart, Yvonne Stewart-Williams, Ben Stollery, Ursula Stubbings, Kj Swainson, Paul Taylor, Carol Teague, Tony Thomas, Nicholas Thompson, Susan Thorpe, James Tizzard, Lesley Towner, Daniel Tranter, Ivan Troth, Sue Underhill, David Underhill, Gustavo Vargas, Robert Walker, Bruce Walton, Alex Wardle, Alan Warner, Geoff Watson, Tim Watson, Jack Watson, Michael Watts, Christopher White, Cllr Martin Whiteside, Robert Wilkinson, Allan Williams, Erik Williams, Ronald Williamson, Ray Willis, Susan Willmott, Stephen Wilson, Mike Wright.